Saturday 5 November 2016

Indo Trash - Part 1

Spotted: The overtly blabber mouth insufferable "Iknow everybody and everything " roundish person !!!! (Everyone knows atleast one person like this in their lives )

It begins with a "Heyyyyyyy" with an extended vowelly sound that can make glasses crack or make the most sophisticated people shrivel and curl in disapproval ,or perhaps even destroy a sparrow's natural habitat !!!! Please calm yourself girl and utilize all those extra kilocalories of energy to go mine coal or something !!!! Seriously , it's Not only extremely rude to be that loud publicly , but there is a Basic code of conduct one follows even while socialising !!!! 

This "extra need for attention " clan can be found in what's come to be wrongly known as the "internationally acceptable fashionably cool" uniform in india , namely  "a pair of white sneakers and a loose unflattering teeshirt-ish dress " !!! As if the outfit wasn't disappointing and frumpy enough, the last thing I need to hear is the person talking and lecturing about her "new look" flaunting it like its her original millennial invention !!!

I think they are the soul of an angry gorilla or actually may be an estranged donkey , trapped in a humans body that they keep "hee-hawing" infinitely !!!! They can't seem to shut up ever!! Most of the time they are pompously showing off some new shopping , some new people they met or busy pretending to be "vir sanghavis " female equivalent , talking incessantly about a new type of nigiri zushi they had last night !!! Sweet Heart , we all know of the satisfying "double cheese pizza with Diet Coke " that u gobbled up right after those 2 tiny pieces of sushi (which I truly believe must have felt like throwing a stone in an empty well !!! ) Not that I'm telling you to shy away from ur love for food , or going out , or socialising but u can also shut up at regular intervals , tone down that volume , and let others enjoy all of that too...

As a matter of fact , nobody likes a "loud and proud " person who talks big , but thinks and acts small... 

Attention seeking isn't a competitive sport !

Most times , a magical feeling of serenity and calm takes over ,and honestly it's such a relief to the ears and the eyes toooo , the moment they leave the restaurant or the party they were disturbing and disrupting, by just being present there !!!

In most cases i prefer to stay miles afar from them and their ambient trash talk... But , The one thing i relish more than a palpable serving of an avocado California roll , is the very insulting sight , of these noise polluters being thrown out of a posh restaurant for improper behaviour , proving yet again that they're correctly labelled as Indo- trash !!!!